RACO Compact Actuator Design
RACO Compact Actuator Main Design Features

The RACO Compact Actuator is small in size but big in performance. The Compact Series Actuators are similar to the larger heavy duty industrial Modular Actuator Series by being purely electro-mechanical and by having high thrust capacities, but the Compact is much smaller in its overall size. They are designed for use in a wide range of push-pull applications. The RACO Compact series is economically priced and in view of its overall design, the ideal actuator for many industrial applications. They ensure trouble-free, smooth operation and a long life.

Designed for use in a wide range of push-pull applications the RACO COMPACT has the following advantages:

- Wide performance range
- Industrial construction
- Applicable to high frequency operations
- Cost effective
- Maintenance free

- Linear motion without the disadvantages of
  pneumatic or hydraulic systems
- Smaller installed envelope size
- Multiple thrust ratings from 100 lbs to 9,000 lbs.
- Standard stroke lengths from 3.9 to 39.3 inches
- Power screw accuracy: 0.002 inches per 12 inches
  of travel
- All sizes available in ACME power screw thread
  configuration, sizes 4 & 6 with Ball screw thread
- Multiple screw leads available in every size to
  optimize motor reduction / output speed capability
- Built-in anti-rotation design
- Accommodates a wide variety of input voltages
- Aluminum housing construction for lightweight,
  corrosion-free design
- External proximity switch option
- Complete range of standard accessories
- Complete line of standard controls and options
- Outdoor / Weather-proof construction
- All Metric Unit standard dimensions and ratings for
  world-wide parts availability
- ISO 9001 Manufacturing

Automation and mechanical handling equipment / Material handling - lifting tables, loading bays, barrel lifters / Traffic flow - industrial doors, barriers and warning signs / Flow control - butterfly valves, flap valves, diverters / Transmission - brakes, locking devices, couplings












The rotational energy, produced by the electric motor, will be converted into a linear movement by the ACME or Ball Screw installed within the thrust unit. ACME screws are typically self-locking. Based on a low lead selection, the resulting large surface area between the nut and the screw provides a robust power transfer assembly along with a high capability for shock loading. Static loads, which can always be higher than the nominal thrust, can be safely maintained in all positions. Different leads for the screw can be easily produced to influence the behavior of power transfer between the motor and the thrust rod which will change the rod speed, thrust capability and efficiency. Higher leads, however, do not have the self-locking feature, so the actuator will need to be equipped with an electro-magnetic brake to maintain position. Inherent to the Ball Screw design, the contact between the ball nut and the ball screw are point to point connections provided by a number of re-circulating high precession balls. The rolling friction of the balls is extremely low compared to the sliding friction of the ACME screw. Therefore the power transfer between the rotating shaft of the electrical motor and the linear thrust at the ball nut has an efficiency higher then 95%. The benefits include: a higher duty cycle, longer lifetime, extended ambient temperature range, smaller drive motor, starter and infrastructure due to the high efficiency, plus an extremely high position accuracy and repeatability. In combination with a spring package, counter weight or other means which would provide a source of stored energy, a defined failsafe position can be obtained in case of a electrical power loss or other mechanical interruption or failure.


The wide range of drive motors for different operating conditions and enclosures offers the optimum solution for each application. The flexibility of the RACO Compact System permits the use of commercial motors to complement the wide variety of RACO provided motor solutions.


A wide range of control equipment is available for the RACO Compact Actuators, such as limit switches, starters, relays, potentiometers, inductive transmitters, non-contact position / speed sensors and controllers, position control and feedback devices designed with a high degree of reliability. Analog and digital feedback devices as well as adjustable limit switches are typically housed in sealed and protected compartments integrated into the actuator.